Saturday, August 25, 2012

A New Chapter

The one thing I have learned about being a military spouse, is that when your in the military nothing ever stays the same. You know what that means? Yes. We have orders to be transfered to somewhere new. We are being transfered to Sheppard Air Force Base located in Wichita Falls, Texas. If anyone knows us, knows that this is familiar territory for us. We were at Sheppard Air Force Base five years ago for Jordan's Tech School training. Looks like we will be returning, except we will be there for four years instead of six months!

So since we are PCS'ing (moving) in two weeks, you can imagine how things are around here. They are CRAZY! There are boxes, bags, and everything all over the house. Luckily, I am a pretty organized person so its all together. I have most of the upstairs packed in boxes already! So that is nice. The move so far isn't as stressful as I thought it would be, especially for moving ourselves. But we still have two weeks left, so we shall see how this all plays out. I have heard so many military spouses say they will never move themselves again! But so far I am enjoying it, so we will see what my post will say about it in a few weeks. haha.

Also, its the beginning of the school year around here. Fortunately, for my two children they have NOT started school yet. We decided to wait til we get down to Texas to start them in school. Lucky boys! haha. I can not believe Landen is starting Kindergarden and Logan is starting Preschool. Where has the time gone?! Oh boy, which reminds me... we still have not done any school shopping for them. Guess that will be the first thing to do next week!