Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 2010 Roadtrip

So the end of April, we (the boys and I) begun our roadtrip. We drove ten hours from Missouri to Chattanooga, Tennessee to visit Jordan's family. We stayed alittle over a week. It was nice to visit. The boys actually did really well on the trip. I think it was because we left at like two o'clock in the morning, so they were asleep most of the trip. But they still did really well.

Now, we are in New Orleans. Have been for alittle over a week now, and we still have at least another week here. Things are going well. We have visited friends and gone to the zoo. This Friday is my brother's graduation, which is the main reason we took this roadtrip. There was no way I was getting on a plane with these two crazy kids. lol. So we just decided to drive and break up the roadtrip and make a few stops here and there. On the way home, I think we are planning on stopping in TX to visit family. SO that will be nice.

So far everything is going good. When we get back home, I have tons of photoshoots to look forward too. Plus, I am attending a modeling convention with my friend, Jennifer, who is auditioning. SO I am going to support her, and do her hair & makeup and also to promote my business. So that will be a weekend event! Should be fun!!!

And then Jordan comes home around my birthday. And then Eclipse premiers!! And then we have vacations to look forward to! Will be amazing!!!