Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So I haven't written in awhile. So I thought I would update everyone now. I have just been so busy lately I haven't had too much time to site and blog on here.

So here's an update on little Logan:
I can not believe he will be six months old on Wednesday. It seems like he was just born. It is so crazy how they grow up so fast. If you blink you will miss everything. Oh, Logan got his second tooth in couple days ago. So now my little babe has both of his front bottom teeth. He is also sitting up alittle by his self. He does pretty well sitting supported. But unsupported, he is still alittle wobbily. Haha.

Update on Landen:
We finally sold the guest bed that was in Landen's room. So now Landen has so much space in his room now to play. Now I just have to get a nice big bookshelf for his room. Maybe I will go to the thrift store here on base tomorrow to see if they have one. Anyways. Landen's speech is getting better. Yesterday, he told came up to me holding a book and said, " Mama read book".. "choo choo book". It was so cute. And at night when I go to put them to bed, he kisses Logan and says, "Night Night Baby". It is so adorable.
He is starting to get alittle picky on his eating habits though. But I'm sure that will not last too long. Also, the last couple of weeks, he has not wanted to let go of his baby blanket. He wants to bring it everywhere, along with one of Jordan's BDU hats. I think its because Jordan is

gone. Maybe he won't do it when Jordan gets back.

Ok. So update on Jordan.

Jordan was moved three weeks ago to a different base in Iraq. But I think he will be staying there for the rest of the deployment. Anyways. He is doing good. He is working hard over there and he is just ready to come home to us. But we only have 5 weeks left, so we are getting close. We really are on the countdown now. I can't wait!

Update on me!

I am doing pretty good. Just taking care of my two precious boys. I am enrolling into beauty school in the fall. It only takes a year to get my license and be certified. So I am looking forward to it. I am enrolling at the American College of Hair Design. The classes are only 4 days a week. And the schedule isn't too bad. SO I am so excited.

Well I better go. Its almost one in the morning. I will try to keep you updated more often. I will be posting some new pictures of recent artwork tomorrow! Hope you take a look!