Friday, March 13, 2009

So I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally. And its slowly getting brighter and closer by each passing day. We have less than three weeks till Jordan is home. And I can not wait for that day. I am definitly looking forward to his homecoming. It seems like its been years. I know i'm being alittle dramatic by saying that, but its only the truth.

Logan is getting so big. I can't believe he's about six and a half months. He is growing up so fast before my eyes. Where does the time go? His two little bottom teeth are definitly in now, and boy are they cute. Haha. I think his top teeth will becoming in within the next few weeks because he is still teething like crazy. I am still trying to work on him sitting up. But he doesn't seem to want to. He just wants to stay a baby and not grow up at all. Haha. Although, he did try crawling the other day. haha. He didn't really go anywhere though. He looked like a fish out of water. Haha.

Landen. Well. He's my little man. Lately, he's been saying, "I love you Mama", all the time. Sometimes, he will take his little hands and grab my face and say it with a serious face. And my heart just melts. He is growing up so fast. And it seems like time has flown with him, since Logan was born. He has been alittle chatterbox lately. Still sometimes I can't understand him because he puts all his words together. But I can understand alot more than I use to.

Well thats about it for tonight. I guess i will end it here.