Sunday, March 7, 2010

So I have not written in awhile. It has been so hectic around here. So busy. Everything has been crazy between being a full time student and photoshoots and taking care of the kids and the house. I barely find time to just sit down and just relax anymore. I am actually missing the times when I could just relax and watch a movie. These days, it take me a week and a half just to finish one load of laundry. Its just been so stressful. Trying to keep my chin up the best I can. The first two months were pretty easy compared to last deployment. However, I'm almost at breaking point. I'm finding myself more stressed. More impatient. More like I'm going to lose it. I know I can't. But does that mean that I won't? Ugh. I'm just so tired of all of this. Everything. I feel like I just want to run away to a private island somewhere. Just me and the beach. No one else. No homework. No chores. No screaming kids. No one to take care of but myself. That is my dream right now. But that would be too good to be true.