Monday, March 8, 2010

Landen is Three and a half years old. I can't believe how big he is. And so smart. And Logan is now eighteen months. Its unbelievable how fast they grow up! Its seems like it was yesterday we were at the hospital.

The past couple of days, the weather has been so nice here. You could pretty much wear shorts if you wanted to. So I've been taking the boys to the park almost everyday the past couple of days. They love it!
They are growing up way too fast. Logan is running and talking some. Landen likes to think he is the man of the house sometimes and thinks he can boss his little brother around. But he is also very protective about his brother too. If Logan falls down, he helps right up and asks if he is okay. Landen also help teach Logan how to go down the stairs. He is a good big brother when he wants to be.

Landen is still loving being in preschool. He is such an early riser now! Sometimes I will get up at Seven in the morning and he will already be downstairs watching cartoons. Yes, he does know how to turn the television on. Haha. So we have now pushed his bedtime up earlier, since he has been waking up pretty early.

So the photoshoot went great yesterday!! While I was doing the photoshoot. Erashey watched the boys. She is so great with them and they love her.

Logan decided to hope in some of the pictures. It figures that when I'm taking pictures of someone else, he wants to be in the pictures. But when I tried taking pictures of him the other day (the ones at the top), he cried because he didn't want to. Figures!
Robena and Solomon have been wonderful neighbors and amazing friends. We seriously could not have asked for better neighbors. They have always been there for us from the day we moved in to our house. And they love our kids and the boys love them.