Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So Jordan is almost home. Not too much longer. He already started packing his bags. Yey! Less than two weeks. It's been a very long seven months. And I'm so ready for this day to come. Anyways. Landen and i made a countdown chain, counting down the days til Jordan is home. The last chain says, "Daddy's home". So Landen cuts (with my help of course) one link of each day until there is only one left. He loves it. And it helps him understand when his Daddy will be home. He's so excited. Every time we cut a link of, I tell him how many days are left till daddy comes home. And he says, " Daddy come home! ", as he smiles. So i believe he gets the idea.
Logan smiling at the camera after dinner.
Awww.. can't believe he's almost seven months old. He's growing up fast.

Hanging out with his bottle in the stroller .

Landen brushing his teeth with his new toothbrush. He loves brushing his teeth.

My handsome two year old. "I Love you Ma Ma".