Friday, March 27, 2009

Okay. So today was basically a horrible day for the most part. I woke up. Had breakfast and then turned on the computer. When my desktop screen came up, I had a pop up about a new computer update. Usually I ignore these updates and push them aside thinking I will do them another time. Well today for some reason I decide to click the update. So it said it was installing the new software. So I went on with my daily routine and I got the kids up this morning. Checked the computer and it was still installling.

So, The kids and I headed over to our friend Shannon's house at noon. Which being there was the good part of my day. We hung out, burned some CD's, and the kids played together. Then we left from there. The boys and I headed to get some lunch since we had nothing in the house. The boys started to get really cranky, since it was an hour past there naptime (3pm). So I got them home, changed them both, and layed them down to nap. Checked the computer and it was almost done installing, but still had less than an hour left.

So, Then i headed to the commisary to go grocery shopping. It was packed. And the cashier lady had no clue how to do her job. I was about to tell her to move out the way and let me ring up my own groceries. I was probably standing there for half an hour just for her to ring up my groceries. Really? Its not that hard. All you have to do is scan the barcode, and I should know I use to be a cashier. Ughhh. Anyways. So, I got home, and checked the computer. And thankfully it was done installing. So I go to click on the internet and it didn't work. And then a pop up came up on the computer and said some driver was jammed or something. I totally thought I broke my computer. And I thought Jordan was going to kill me. Thats the last thing I needed. Anyways. I called Shannon and she came over to help. Well after about two hours or so later and talking to computer service stores.... we finally got it working. Ughhh. It was so frustrating.

So to go on about my annoyance of today. It is supposed to be snowing tonight and all day tomorrow because of a blizzard. Really?! It's only a couple days from April. Really? Its spring time. And its snowing. Its cold. It was 70 degrees last week. Ughh. I hate Missouri.

Okay. I had enough of taking out my anger on my blog. Haha. Good news though, Jordan will be home in less than a week. So thats the blessing in all of this.