Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happy Sabbath

Today, the hubs let me sleep in.. which was oh so nice! Love getting to sleep in on Saturday mornings. He also made me breakfast in bed (pancakes and coffee) so sweet!!! Today, we headed off to Church in Kansas City and attended services. Following services, was potluck and game night. Which we only ended up staying for potluck, which I made yummy Baked Parmesan Tomatoes (OH SO GOOD). We spent time speaking and enjoying the fellowship at church. Then headed home.

Tonight. Kids are in their pajamas and relaxing in bed with some cartoons. And the hubby and I rented a movie, and plan on relaxing for the rest of the evening.

Tomorrow- a day of more cleaning, packing, and getting this house ready to go! Hope you all have a blessed and happy weekend.

A New Chapter

The one thing I have learned about being a military spouse, is that when your in the military nothing ever stays the same. You know what that means? Yes. We have orders to be transfered to somewhere new. We are being transfered to Sheppard Air Force Base located in Wichita Falls, Texas. If anyone knows us, knows that this is familiar territory for us. We were at Sheppard Air Force Base five years ago for Jordan's Tech School training. Looks like we will be returning, except we will be there for four years instead of six months!

So since we are PCS'ing (moving) in two weeks, you can imagine how things are around here. They are CRAZY! There are boxes, bags, and everything all over the house. Luckily, I am a pretty organized person so its all together. I have most of the upstairs packed in boxes already! So that is nice. The move so far isn't as stressful as I thought it would be, especially for moving ourselves. But we still have two weeks left, so we shall see how this all plays out. I have heard so many military spouses say they will never move themselves again! But so far I am enjoying it, so we will see what my post will say about it in a few weeks. haha.

Also, its the beginning of the school year around here. Fortunately, for my two children they have NOT started school yet. We decided to wait til we get down to Texas to start them in school. Lucky boys! haha. I can not believe Landen is starting Kindergarden and Logan is starting Preschool. Where has the time gone?! Oh boy, which reminds me... we still have not done any school shopping for them. Guess that will be the first thing to do next week!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 2010 Roadtrip

So the end of April, we (the boys and I) begun our roadtrip. We drove ten hours from Missouri to Chattanooga, Tennessee to visit Jordan's family. We stayed alittle over a week. It was nice to visit. The boys actually did really well on the trip. I think it was because we left at like two o'clock in the morning, so they were asleep most of the trip. But they still did really well.

Now, we are in New Orleans. Have been for alittle over a week now, and we still have at least another week here. Things are going well. We have visited friends and gone to the zoo. This Friday is my brother's graduation, which is the main reason we took this roadtrip. There was no way I was getting on a plane with these two crazy kids. lol. So we just decided to drive and break up the roadtrip and make a few stops here and there. On the way home, I think we are planning on stopping in TX to visit family. SO that will be nice.

So far everything is going good. When we get back home, I have tons of photoshoots to look forward too. Plus, I am attending a modeling convention with my friend, Jennifer, who is auditioning. SO I am going to support her, and do her hair & makeup and also to promote my business. So that will be a weekend event! Should be fun!!!

And then Jordan comes home around my birthday. And then Eclipse premiers!! And then we have vacations to look forward to! Will be amazing!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Lindsey was great today!! She's a gorgeous girl and such a natural when it comes to the camera. To view more of her senior pictures go to my website!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today, was finally a nice warm and sunshine day. Which was nice, because we had snow all weekend. So the boys and I spent most of today outside in the nice weather. We figured we might as well enjoy it while it lasted.

Here are some pictures that I took of the boys today, while they enjoyed playing outside.
My Little Man is getting so big!!
He gets his big eyes from his mommy. haha.
Aren't they precious?? I love my little angels.
Landen was piling all of the snow in the wagon to keep it. Haha. He is so funny.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Landen is Three and a half years old. I can't believe how big he is. And so smart. And Logan is now eighteen months. Its unbelievable how fast they grow up! Its seems like it was yesterday we were at the hospital.

The past couple of days, the weather has been so nice here. You could pretty much wear shorts if you wanted to. So I've been taking the boys to the park almost everyday the past couple of days. They love it!
They are growing up way too fast. Logan is running and talking some. Landen likes to think he is the man of the house sometimes and thinks he can boss his little brother around. But he is also very protective about his brother too. If Logan falls down, he helps right up and asks if he is okay. Landen also help teach Logan how to go down the stairs. He is a good big brother when he wants to be.

Landen is still loving being in preschool. He is such an early riser now! Sometimes I will get up at Seven in the morning and he will already be downstairs watching cartoons. Yes, he does know how to turn the television on. Haha. So we have now pushed his bedtime up earlier, since he has been waking up pretty early.

So the photoshoot went great yesterday!! While I was doing the photoshoot. Erashey watched the boys. She is so great with them and they love her.

Logan decided to hope in some of the pictures. It figures that when I'm taking pictures of someone else, he wants to be in the pictures. But when I tried taking pictures of him the other day (the ones at the top), he cried because he didn't want to. Figures!
Robena and Solomon have been wonderful neighbors and amazing friends. We seriously could not have asked for better neighbors. They have always been there for us from the day we moved in to our house. And they love our kids and the boys love them.

Sneak Peek of the Vincent Photoshoot- March 7, 2010

The Vincents.
That was just the sneak peek. To view more please go to the website.